Association of University Engineers

Our Strategic Plan


In 2011 the AUE published its first strategic plan following a survey of the membership.  The document sets out to explain the Association of University Engineers strategy for the next 5 years.  In 2014 the strategic plan was reviewed and the membership surveyed in order to produce an updated 2014 document.

This strategy helps to make sure that the Association achieves its strategic aims and ensures continuity.

The primary aim of the AUE is to serve the membership and to ensure that we continuously provide support, information and best practice guidance.

We will listen to our membership and seek to continuously develop and improve to meet their needs


The key objectives that will drive our strategy are:

  • AUE 1: Promote, foster and develop the knowledge and skills of Estates professionals in the Higher Education sector.
  • AUE 2: Assist, in conjunction with other Higher Education Associations, the advancement of Estates and Buildings professionalism within Higher Education.
  • AUE 3: Enhance the Maintenance, Protection, Sustainability and Promotion of quality educational Estates and Buildings to improve the educational environment for both students and staff of Higher Education Institutions.
  • AUE 4: Provide a means by which the view, contributions and professional knowledge and skills of Higher Education Estates Professionals can be communicated to Higher Education Associations and other and Professional Institutions.
  • AUE 5: Provide the means of an interchange of information between Higher Education Estates Professionals on technical and managerial aspects of the maintenance and development of Higher Education Estates and Buildings
  • AUE 6: Through our activities, provide an avenue through which Engineers and other Estates staff can receive accredited Continuing Professional Development (CPD) which is a requirement of their respective professional bodies.

Implementation and Action

We have developed an action plan and we review it each year to make sure we complete our objectives successfully.

During the year the current action plan will be reviewed together with the long term objectives by the Executive.

The current Strategic plan and action points are attached below:



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